January reveals an increase in the participation of ‘leather and skins’ in Brazilian exports


The participation of the item ‘leather and skins’ in Brazilian exports has increased from 1,2% to 1,4% in January 2016. Despite the good news, the value generated by shipments overseas saw a reduction during the same period.

According to figures released by the Department of Foreign Trade from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), and analysed by the Department of Commercial Intelligence at CICB (the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry), leather sales have reached US$ 152.821 million in January. The number represents a decrease of 16,6% in comparison to the same month last year, when Brazilian exports generated US$ 183,245 million. When compared to December 2015, there was also a decrease: 22,3% or US$ 196.563 million.

Executive president of CICB, José Fernando Bello says the expectation is for a resumption of leather exports starting from the second trimester of 2016. “Tanneries are already receiving orders, but these shipments should only take place within a few months, given the period required for the production of leather of high aggregate value”, he explains.

Considering the amount of hides, in January was shipped 2.910 million units, a decrease of 22.1% compared to December, but an increase of 30.7% over the same month last year, whose total was 2.227 million.

You can see the complete report regarding January exports here.